Elevator Modernization - Why You Should Modernize Your Elevator

At some point in an elevator’s lifespan, the repairs may be very costly yet very insignificant. As the commercial elevator repair service becomes costly, the spare parts become difficult to acquire. Most of the time, the machine may be dormant when it is expected to be functional. When this happens, it is time to consider elevator modernization. Elevator modernization is the process by which the important parts of the elevator are being upgraded.
All types of elevators, for example, hydraulic elevators, have their own lifespan problems. They have a duration for which they function properly without any mechanical problems. At the end of the lifespan, the equipment begins to wear out and in return requires repairs. The repairs are also short-lived, for, after some time, the replacement parts become obsolete and expensive. The replacement parts also become difficult to find. At this point, the elevator will need modernization for it to continue functioning properly and effectively.
How Long Will it Take to Modernize an Elevator?
Modernizing your commercial elevator would not take as long as to greatly affect the activities around your facility. The duration may, however, vary to a greater extent depending on the extent of the equipment being replaced, the type of the drive configuration, and the number of floors in the facility. With all these factors put into consideration, a two or three-stop hydraulic elevator can be made within a period of two weeks. Meanwhile, a high-rise traction elevator would take a period of six to ten weeks.
Components that usually undergo modernization in an elevator include;
- Wiring
- Door operators
- Power units
- Valve assemblies
- Fixtures
- Hoisting machines
- Control systems
Advantages of Elevator Modernization
1. Reduced Maintenance
Elevator modernization requires you to replace all the old parts of the equipment with new and fresh parts. This also enables you to experience better services for a long duration of time without having to repair the equipment time and time again. This, in turn, helps you to save a lot of money that would have been used for maintenance.
2. Low Cost of Energy
Elevator modernization also helps save energy. New parts of the equipment ease the working of the equipment, thus reducing the amount of energy that it consumes when it is functioning.
3. Lowers the Electromagnetic Noise
Electromagnetic noise is harmful to wireless networks as well as computers. Whenever the noise is high, the higher the rate at which damage to the computers and wireless networks happens. A modernized commercial elevator has the noise controlled at a less harmful level.
4. More Reliable
The old elevators have their chances of breaking down at their highest point and can stop functioning at any point. A modernized elevator is very reliable because it functions without interruption.
5. New Code Change Compliance
There is a requirement that all old elevators need to be upgraded via a door lock monitor kit, which is expensive. Hence, complete elevator modernization is always preferred.
What to Consider When Modernizing an Elevator.
1. Code Compliance
One should ensure that the modernization plan should always match up with the new or recent codes in their respective cities. Fire codes, safety standards, and Americans with Disabilities (ADA) guidelines keep on changing every year, thus the need to match up with the code standards.
The other significant code is the National Elevator Code of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), which is responsible for setting up the design, construction, operation, inspection, installation, maintenance, and repair of elevators, as well as modernization standards. For you to be certain if your elevator is up-to-date regarding any codes, your elevator service provider becomes of great importance.
2. Planning and Logistics
For your modernization, you need to consider proper planning and putting in place all the logistical requirements such as;
- Securing local and state permits early enough.
- Know the project schedule and the elevator downtime.
- Get a licensed elevator contractor to help with the work completed.
Types of Elevator Modernization
A. Stand-Alone Component Upgrades
This is a quick way of making those small but very necessary improvements. Your elevator experts will help you repair and replace each part at a time. Changing components one at a time is always more expensive, as you have to remobilize the workers each time the work is completed. In fact, it is usually cheaper to complete the whole modernization at one time.
B. Cab Renovations
One might consider this upgrade if their building is undergoing aesthetic upgrades. These upgrades are basically for aesthetics. These cab renovations include; lighting, ceiling panels, call buttons, doors, elevator cab flooring, as well as wall panels.
C. Full Elevator Modernization
This is a comprehensive system upgrade. All the components that are non-structural are usually replaced to improve the operation of the system, safety, ride quality, as well as energy consumption.
For quality modernization of your elevator, General Elevator Solutions is the ultimate solution that provides you with the best commercial elevator service that gives you the quality of what you seek. Our services are mainly for business owners. Contact us today and have modernization done on your commercial elevator!